A close-up photograph capturing a graceful hand, adorned with vibrant nail polish, gently holding a bottle of Kerasal. A subtle hint of anticipation surrounds the scene, as if the viewer is about to witness a m

Does Kerasal Make Nails Fall Off? A Comprehensive Guide

If you’re wondering if using Kerasal can make your nails fall out, you’re not alone. Many people use this over-the-counter nail treatment hoping to solve issues like fungus or thick nails, but then are concerned when they experience nail damage or loss after using it.

Here’s a quick answer: Using Kerasal as directed for fungal or thick nail treatments is generally safe, but in some cases it can cause nails to thin, crack, or even fall off. This risk goes up if using it too aggressively or on healthy nails.

Work with your doctor to rule out other causes and keep nails protected.

What is Kerasal and How Does it Work?

Kerasal product lines for nail care explained

Kerasal is a popular over-the-counter nail care brand that offers a variety of products for strengthening weak, brittle nails and promoting healthy nail growth. Their product line includes:

  • Kerasal Nail Repair – This is their signature product, an intensive nail strengthening treatment that helps reinforce weak, peeling nails. It contains hydrolyzed wheat protein and calcium to fortify nails.
  • Kerasal Fungal Nail Renewal – Designed to treat fungal nail infections, this formula contains clinidal, an antifungal agent to fight off fungus.
  • Kerasal Intensive Foot Repair – Formulated for very dry, cracked feet and heels, this intensive moisturizer softens calluses and rough skin.
  • Kerasal Nail & Cuticle Therapy – This nourishing oil blend conditions nail beds and cuticles to promote healthy nail growth.
  • Kerasal Ultra Nail Hardener – For extra strength and resilience, this fortifying treatment helps thicken soft, weak nails.

The Kerasal nail care range offers solutions tailored to common nail and foot care issues like brittleness, fungal infections, dryness and calluses. Their products focus on repairing, restoring, softening and strengthening both fingernails and toenails.

Its mechanisms and active ingredients

The key to how Kerasal products help fix nail issues lies in their active ingredients. Here’s an overview of how some of their key ingredients work:

  • Hydrolyzed wheat protein – Penetrates nails to reinforce structure. Keratin proteins fill in cracks and gaps.
  • Calcium – Stimulates keratin production for harder, stronger nails.
  • Silicon dioxide – Seals layers of keratin on nails to prevent chipping and peeling.
  • Jojoba oil – Deeply moisturizes brittle nails and cuticles.
  • Vitamin E – Anti-inflammatory antioxidant that stimulates nail growth.
  • Urea – Exfoliates and softens calluses, dry, cracked skin on feet.
  • Clotrimazole – Antifungal agent that fights off nail fungus infections.

By leveraging active pharmaceutical ingredients like keratin, calcium, and antifungals, along with moisturizing botanical oils, Kerasal products are able to penetrate nails and surrounding skin to repair damage, increase hardness and resilience, restore moisture and treat fungal infections.

User reviews show Kerasal nail products deliver noticeable improvement in the strength, appearance and texture of nails within 6-8 weeks of consistent use.

However, nail growth is a slow process, so full results can take 3-6 months as new healthy nail growth replaces damaged sections.

Does Using Kerasal Cause Nail Loss?

The risk explained

Kerasal is an over-the-counter nail treatment that contains urea as its primary active ingredient. Urea works by softening the keratin in nails, allowing fungus and other buildup underneath the nail to be more easily removed.

While this can be an effective treatment for issues like nail fungus, improper use of urea-based products like Kerasal does come with a risk of thinning the nail plate.

Urea is a mild keratolytic agent, meaning it breaks down keratin, the protein that makes up the majority of the nail plate. Using too much Kerasal or using it too frequently can over-soften the nail, leading to temporary thinning and increased fragility.

This damage is often reversible if use is discontinued, but in severe cases it can potentially cause nails to partially or fully detach from the nail bed.

What the research indicates

Clinical studies on urea have found nail thinning to be an infrequent side effect of topical urea treatments like Kerasal. One analysis of multiple trials found nail detachment in less than 5% of patients using prescription-strength urea nail lacquers.

However, improper use, such as applying more frequently than directed or failing to properly file away dead nail material, may increase the risk. One case study reported shedding and detachment of multiple nails in a patient who used 40% urea lacquer daily for several weeks.

Anecdotal experiences

Online reviews offer a mix of anecdotal experiences with Kerasal and nail loss:

  • Some report thinning nails but no full detachment when using daily.
  • Others say they experienced no adverse effects with long-term use.
  • Some describe repeated nail shedding after using multiple times per day.

These personal accounts echo the common theme that overuse of Kerasal likely increases the risk of nail damage. Using no more than directed and taking breaks between treatments seems to lower the chances of thinning or shedding.

Risk Factors for Nail Loss with Kerasal

Using for cosmetic purposes

Kerasal nail cream is designed to treat nail fungal infections and other nail conditions like brittle nails. Using it extensively for cosmetic purposes like nail shine and smoothing can increase the risk of nail thinning and temporary nail loss.

The active ingredients like urea and lactic acid in high concentrations can damage the nail bed when used too aggressively.

Too aggressive filing

Harsh filing techniques combined with strong medicated formulas like Kerasal can traumatize the nail matrix where new nail cells are produced. This can disrupt nail growth and lead to distortions or shedding of the nails partially or fully in serious cases.

Experts recommend using gentler manual and electric nail files while on medicated nail treatment.

Allergic reactions

Kerasal contains ingredients like wool alcohols and mineral oils that may trigger allergic reactions in sensitive individuals. Symptoms like redness, itching, swelling, blistering around the nails indicate hypersensitivity that can jeopardize nail health.

Immediate medical help must be sought before permanent nail damage occurs.

Underlying conditions

Numerous health conditions like thyroid disorders, anemia, malnutrition, diabetes can increase susceptibility to nail infections and damage from harsh chemicals. Associated factors like poor circulation and repeated nail trauma also aggravate nail loss risks with continued use of potent formulas like Kerasal.

Consulting a doctor helps tailor suitable nail treatment plans.

How to Use Kerasal Safely for Healthy Nails

Get an accurate diagnosis first

Before beginning any treatment, it is wise to get an accurate diagnosis from your dermatologist or podiatrist. An accurate diagnosis will ensure proper treatment and help avoid complications (reference).

Provide your medical professional with a full medical history and explain your symptoms in detail. Based on the exam and diagnosis, your doctor can recommend the best course of treatment, whether Kerasal or other options.

Follow all usage guidelines

When using Kerasal, carefully read and follow all instructions provided. Typically, usage involves filing down overgrown areas, drying the nail thoroughly, then brushing a thin layer of Kerasal on the affected nail 1 to 2 times daily. Allow Kerasal to fully dry before wearing socks or shoes.

For best results, use daily for up to 8 weeks (reference). Following guidelines ensures optimal results.

Take precautions filing

Use caution when filing nails to avoid damage. Disinfect metal nail files and emery boards before each use to prevent infection. File gently in one direction, avoiding sawing back and forth. Over-filing can thin nails and worsen problems.

Focus only on thickened or ingrown areas, then apply Kerasal (reference). Letting Kerasal work on problem areas helps limit filing needed.

Watch for reactions

Monitor nails closely after each application of Kerasal. Though rare, some people may experience redness, swelling, itching or burning (reference). If this occurs, discontinue use. See a doctor if the reaction persists or worsens. For most people, Kerasal causes no issues.

But it’s wise to remain vigilant just in case.

Talk to your doctor if concerned

If you have any concerns with treatment, discuss them promptly with your doctor. For example, if using Kerasal as directed but see no improvement after the recommended 8 weeks, follow up for guidance. Or if you experience side effects like pain, increased thickness or brittleness, contact your healthcare provider (reference).

Don’t try to self-diagnose or experiment with other treatments. Your doctor can best advise the proper next steps.

What to Do if You Experience Nail Loss with Kerasal

Stop usage and see your doctor

If you notice your nails becoming thin, brittle, or falling out after using Kerasal, stop using it immediately. Seeing a dermatologist is crucial to diagnose the cause and get appropriate treatment. Nail changes could indicate an allergic reaction, infection, or other underlying condition.

Your doctor can examine your nails and ask about your medical history. They may perform tests or refer you to a specialist. Getting an accurate diagnosis quickly can help prevent further nail damage and determine if it’s safe to continue using Kerasal.

Don’t try to self-diagnose or delay seeing a doctor.

Treatments for nail loss

Treatment will depend on the cause of your nail issues. If Kerasal caused an allergic reaction or irritation, your doctor may recommend corticosteroid creams, oral antihistamines, moisturizers, and avoiding Kerasal in the future.

For fungal or yeast infections, antifungal oral medications or topical creams may be prescribed. Bacterial infections require antibiotic treatment. Nail injuries may need bandaging or surgery. For underlying conditions like psoriasis, thyroid disorders, or nutrient deficiencies, your doctor will treat the primary problem.

This can help strengthen nails. Biotin supplements may also be suggested to promote healthy nail growth.

No matter the cause, your doctor can recommend tips to help fragile nails recover. Limit chemical exposure by wearing gloves for cleaning and hair dyeing. Use moisturizer and avoid very hot water. Don’t pick at nails and file them gently in one direction.

Consider nail hardeners or adhesive bandages for added protection. With time and care, your nails should grow back, though it may take several months. Don’t lose hope!

Protecting nails during regrowth

While waiting for your nails to regrow after Kerasal-related loss, take steps to protect them:

  • Avoid Kerasal and other harsh chemicals
  • Wear gloves for cleaning, gardening, etc.
  • Apply moisturizer to nails and cuticles daily
  • Consider using biotin supplements
  • File nails gently in one direction
  • Avoid very hot water on hands and nails
  • Don’t pick at nails or cuticles
  • Use nail hardeners or adhesive bandages if needed

During regrowth, new nails may seem misshapen or discolored at first. This is normal as they rebuild layers. With diligent care, they should regain strength and a healthy appearance. See your dermatologist regularly to monitor improvement. Report any new nail changes or symptoms.

Working together, you can get your nails looking their best again.


While Kerasal products can aid in treating nail fungus, thickening, and other issues when used properly, misuse raises the risk of thinning, cracking, or losing nails.

Know the risks, follow all instructions, and talk to your doctor at the first sign of trouble to keep your nails healthy. With some care, you can use these products without nail loss or damage.

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